M & A

You want to sell your company, sections of it or individual products, licenses, or magazine titles?

Then let us get in touch. You are a media entrepreneur, training or event provider, looking for a unique chance to create synergies and  grow internationally? The FORUM MEDIA GROUP is always interested in cooperations, investments, and international acquisitions.

Contact us

You can reach us by phone or e-mail.

We welcome any acquisition proposal that might complement our growth strategy. Short response times and quick decisions as well as the strictest confidentiality are standard for us. Shape your future with us – and place your trust in our professionalism, internationality and many years of experience.

Anna Nowacka

Co-Head of M & A

T: +48 605 902 910

E: mna@forum-media.com


We have successfully integrated acquired companies into our group on several occasions.
“With the FORUM MEDIA GROUP, we have a strong partner at our side with whom we will continue and further develop Spitta's position in the market in a future-oriented manner.”
Halil Recber General Manager of Spitta (acquired 2024)
“We are excited to join FORUM to leverage the group’s global network and specialized industry content to further expand Gemba Academy’s reach.”
Kevin Meyer Co-Founder of Gemba Academy (acquired 2022)
“After almost thirty years as CEO and owner, I’m excited and pleased to turn over control of our company to FMG which has a global footprint and that is known for its excellence.“
Bob Wisniewski Former Owner of Trade Press Media Group (acquired 2018)
“FORUM is a company that is committed to excellence, mirroring Kenilworth’s own passion for quality and superior customer service.”
Erik Tolles General Manager of Kenilworth Media (acquired 2014)